

Collection of various materials related to Pure O2 products

Pure 02 Introduction

Effect of chlorine dioxide on odor reduction in the commercial swine f…

페이지 정보

등록일 2024-01-04



This study was performed to evaluate the effect of chlorine dioxide solution (ClO2) on odor reduction in a commercial swine facilities. An experiment, which effects of ClO2 solution on odor, was carried out in a closed swine house, swine facility site boundaries, and liquid fertilizer storage tank, another experiment, which effects of ClO2 gas on odor, was performed in an open swine house. The concentration of ClO2 solution and gas sprayed around 10ppm and around 10 to 20ppm during experimental periods, respectively. The effect of ClO2 on odor reduction was compared by the least significant difference test and t-test using SAS PROC MIXED. Principal component regression was performed to solve multicollinearity and to predict the effect of ClO2 the model, Independent variables used temperature, humidity, and ventilation volume, the dependent variable was ammonia and odor intensity. The ammonia concentration of tap water and ClO2 solution treatments were significantly lower than that of the control group (p<0.05). In the principal component regression analysis on ammonia concentration by temperature, humidity, and ventilation variables, it was found that the lower the environmental variable value, the greater the effect of tap water and ClO2 on odor reduction. As the environmental variable value increased, the effect of the ammonia reduction by ClO2 gradually decreased. After spraying, the odor was lower in order of the ClO2 solutions, control, and tap-water treatments (p<0.05). The effect of ammonia and odor reduction by ClO2 gas spray was not significantly different in an open swine house. The ClO2 gas spraying has effective in reducing odor intensity and it was reduced as environmental variables increased. In conclusion, this study confirmed that ClO2 solution and gas have a positive effect on reducing odor in pig facilities, and it is considered that the effect of ClO2 on odor reduction can be estimated through the developed principal component regression model.